One of my friends invited us to her son's bday but said No gifts... well, I don't think I'm capable of enjoying a birthday party without partaking in the gift giving experience (hey that's half the fun). Well, the party was themed after a book, so we know he likes to read and seeing as he's turning 4 I'm guessing dinosaurs are pretty intersting to him. I had some scraps from stuff I made for my son years ago (okay about 4 or 5 years ago) when he wanted to be a paleontologist. Yeah, that's Cole... the only 5-year-old I've known to pronounce that word correctly! Dream big buddy!!
I matched up a few scraps and measured them out to fit the width of one of the larger books we have.
once I had all the peices cut (as above)
(4) blue/dino skin print for sides pinned to...
(2) dino print for middle
(2) small dino print peices for handle (sew along the two shorter edges then sew together inside out and turn outside in after sewing to create a hollow casing, iron)
(4) green pieces for straps (going the full length of bag and long enough for strap over shoulder) two on each side do the same as small dino print but don't worry about first sewing the two outer edges in as you won't see the edges, You'll be tucking the top ones into the dino print handle casing and sewing shut
(2) lining peices the size of each side (see striped fabric on finished part below)
once your two outside peices are sewn sew the green type strips...